Hikes off of Highway 80 (near North Lake Tahoe) Snowshoe Hikes

Climb Every Mountain

“And have a little trust in us when fear obscures the path; you know we got this far, not by luck, but by never turning back”   Mary Chapin Carpenter (The Hard Way)


It snowed hard the night before I went on this showshoe hike.  And the destination was actually plan B.  Plan A was to get to Donner Sno-park and hike out from there.  But when we arrived, it was a zoo of people with no parking to be found!  I knew of a summer hike I had done that was nearby and recently had read about it being a snowshoe hike as well (See The Will and The Way), so I thought I should check it out.  The hike begins at the Loch Levens Lake Trailhead which is just off of I80 between Rainbow Rd. and Big Bend.  This hike is moderate/strenuous in the summer, so I lowered my expectations for getting to the lakes and wanted to see where it would go.  The main issue was that neither myself or my friend Eva were experienced enough to set our own tracks…so we were counting on someone hopefully being there before us that morning, since the fresh snow would cover any previous tracks.

Frozen Pond
Loch Levens Trailhead
Adobe on the lookout


The first piece of good news was that no one else was parked at the trailhead.  Secondly, there were snow shoe tracks at the start of the trailhead.  So, we decided to follow them and see where they go…knowing the cautions to look for along the way.  Much to our dismay, the shoe prints ended after about 1/4 mile.  As we were figuring out which way to go, two people came upon from behind and they decided to forge their own trail.  So we just followed in their steps as I could see that the leader knew what she was doing when navigating the path.  We eventually lost sight of them as they weaved their way up the mountain.  I wondered how far they would get, as the snow was fresh and soft which made for a harder workout in and of itself.  We took our time as it was straight up hill and pretty strenuous.  Adobe learned pretty quickly that he needed to stay in our tracks because the snow was so deep.  He was working twice as hard as we were, but he loved it!

Frozen Creek


As we continued ascending we came across the two people who were ahead of us, now heading down.  I asked if they had gotten to the railroad tracks and they said no and had turned around at a landing that gave them a nice view.  We bid farewell and decided at that point to continue a little further.  I was starting to see that Adobe was getting tired and decided that it might be time to turn back.  We had a nice lunch break and let our spirits fully take in the fresh snow and sunshine.  We had ascended maybe a mile, but it felt like 2 or 3…and though we could see the freeway below us, the serenity surrounding us made us feel like we were in complete solitude.  And it’s funny, when we arrived back at our car, there were 7 other cars there and plenty of people…our timing couldn’t have been better.

DSC_0733_356We packed up and decided to investigate an area at the end of the road where cars were parked.  Lo and behold, we found a nice little surprise…the river!  We walked along the river and took a few pics and although there were quite a few people around, the scenery was quite beautiful!  It was a great way to end the day!

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DSC_0737_360“I have a need for cool, verdant spaces; beneath the trees, secret empty places, nobody knows, so no one will intrude; I have a need for solitude”  Mary Chapin Carpenter (I have a need for solitude)










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