
A Walking Meditation

“Quite the mind, and the soul will speak” -Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

One aspect that I love about living in Northern California is how beautiful it is in the springtime.  The open hillsides are a brilliant green with all of the new grasses and leafing oak trees dotting the landscape.  There is a mystical beauty within those old oak trees with their large stately trunks and  long twisting branches that transcends time.  Throw in a brilliant array of wildflowers and life is booming.

In my town of Roseville, there are several open space areas.  One of the larger open space areas is preserved because of many vernal pools which habitat some endangered species.  It is a place where I walk my dog Adobe often.  Although the landscape changes with the seasons, this place never gets old.  It is calming and beautiful.  It is where I contemplate life and let my mind absorb nature.  This place, for me, is a walking meditation.  Meditation is about solitude and opening my mind to what spirit wants to bring.  This is a space where this happens most for me.

With Adobe by my side, we walk the many trails that travel along the creek, through fields of wildflowers and mighty oak trees.  Along the way I see egrets, hawks, turtles, and even a coyote once.  I also have to beware of snakes, mosquitoes, and ticks.   And although set among a sprawling suburb, I am able to find my own solitude.   This is a place where my mind doesn’t get mired down with doubt, sadness, or frustration.  I am free, untethered from the daily grind.  I find joy in the combination of exercise and nature.  It is the perfect duo and puts me truly in the moment.

So Adobe and I walk this place often.  Perhaps it is to escape the world, but more importantly it is to get connected to the universe and all that is beyond and to get some comfort from a world that most of the time, is so uncomfortable.  Adobe gets to play, and I get to walk, meditate and take in all of the beauty.  These photos catch the essence of my time there.  I hope you enjoy this photo journey and find your own meditative space.

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check out the smiley face on the trunk
rain caused the creek to overflow, so we couldn’t cross








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