Hikes off of Highway 88/Carson Pass

An Old Soul

“As I look out into the night, and count the starts all shining bright; I wonder where I am and where I’m going.  Sometimes I think I’ve lived before; I seem to see beyond a door; But it’s just a crazy notion I leave showing.  I live my life as sensitive as possible then one day, maybe I’ll wake up young again, with feelings of a new day”  Kansas-Steve Walsh (Back Door)

I’ve heard the term “old soul” before and have even been called one, but I never really put much thought into what that meant.  So recently, I did a little research.  I have always felt different, not fitting in with the world, as if the world is not my home.  Being introverted and sensitive makes for some difficulty navigating through life and I have spent a lot of time rejecting these aspects of myself.  As a result, I have spent a lot of energy trying to “fit in” and have found no peace in doing so.  What I found out is that these are some of the characteristics of an “old soul”.  I bring this up because, there is only one place that I have ever felt at home…to the point that it feels like I’ve been there before.  And that place is out in nature. I have stated this in many of my blogs.  Perhaps that is why I try to get out into it as much as I can and try to capture it in photos.

Caples Creek
Adobe enjoying the first pond


So having made this trek 3 years ago, I felt it was time to head back out to Lake Margaret with my trusty companion Adobe.  This is a short and easy hike, so Adobe can handle it.  To get to this trailhead, you take highway 88 east, and the parking lot is about .05 miles east of the Kirkwood Ski Resort.  The lot is on the left side of the road and is marked as “Lake Margaret Trailhead”.  This hike is 5 miles round trip and is rated as easy.

Tiger Lily


I believe this is called Western Bistort
Crimson Columbine

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One of the aspects that brought me back to this place is the wildflowers.  On this day, they did not disappoint.  It is safe to say that if you hike in the higher elevations in mid-July through mid-August, you will encounter a wide variety of wildflowers.  I did this hike late last July, and there were plenty to gaze at.  The hike begins with a descent through a variety of pines, and eventually leads to a meadowy area where Caples Creek runs lazily along.  This is a beautiful area to linger and watch birds and beavers making their homes.  Continuing on the journey to the lake, I arrive at two beautiful little ponds, and Adobe took the opportunity to cool off.

Caples Creek
First small pond


Second larger pond

After taking some time at each of the ponds, we were excited to get to the lake.  Before long, we were there, and we found a nice rock to eat some lunch and take in all of the sights.  Lake Margaret is a pretty  little lake at about 7700 foot elevation.  There are plenty of places around the lake to sunbathe, swim, fish, or just enjoy the scenery.

Looking down on the shore of Lake Margaret
Lake Margaret

I use the word magic for these experiences out in nature, because they transcend what I see and feel.  They are messages from another dimension that beckon me.  My senses are filled and my heart at peace.  My days of trying to fit in are behind me and this Old Soul looks forward to the next journey…



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