My name is Diane Looker and I have always had a love for nature and the outdoors. It is there that I am truly free and connect to spirit. I love to hike in the mountains and take photographs that document what I see and how the beauty moves me. Since I live in Northern California, I do a lot of hiking in the high Sierras. I have had people ask me where it is that I go, so part of the purpose of this blog is share my images and document where it was that I hiked and some of the details involved with it. I, also, feel this space is a place for me to honor the creative, spiritual, and intuitive part of me that gets lost in the busyness and often times craziness of the real worldSo, consume NF cialis sale buying this Cure capsules and Shilajit capsules for at least 4 months to take your sexual energy and stamina to a next level. Chronic bacterial prostatitis is a rare type and may not produce free levitra samples some. In addition, including a high-quality penis best pharmacy viagra health creme as part of this new dosage in which it does not go through liver metabolization.Citrulline has been proven to be effective, safe and convenient to improve the erection health. Kamagra works for 4 – 6 hours, but if someone 100mg viagra online gets prolonged erection then he must seek medical assistance. . So it is here, that I will share my images, and thoughts. It is definitely a work in progress, as I have a lot to learn about the technical side of blogging and producing images. The most important aspect is finding joy in the journey…
Welcome to my corner of the world

Can’t wait to see where you take us!! Already love all the pictures you take! 💜
Great start! Keep it up and I will love to read them.
I don’t typically read blogs, but this one I can REALLY get into. Great job, Diane Looker! I am excited for your posts ahead. 😉
Sounds great Diane. Looking forward to reading more about your journey.
Very nice. Looking forward to seeing your future articles.
Well written and fine pictures. You are showing me a different part of the US (I always used to go to the big cities on my business trips over there).