Hikes off of Highway 88/Carson Pass

So Little Time

“When I was young I spoke like a child, I saw with a child’s eyes, and an open door was to a girl like the stars are to the sky;  It’s funny how the world lives up to all your expectations, with adventures for the stout of heart and the lure of the open spaces…”  Mary Chapin Carpenter (The Moon and St. Christopher)


December is a very busy month for most of us, and although it feels never ending, I also find it a time of reflection.  This is one of the reasons this time of year is my favorite.  Time goes by like a blur and yet has moments of standing still.  The hike to Granite Lake, outside of Silver Lake, was a short but fantastic hike.  It was the last hike (late summer/early fall) I took before the reality of life took over and time became a precious pearl that had to be searched for and plucked from its’ shell.  Silver Lake is off of highway 88, and to get to the trail head, you have to go into the campground area, make a left at the Y in the road and then continue to keep left.  I had a hard time finding it, so I went into the store at the lodge and they pointed me in the right direction.  I was joined by my wife, Sharon, and Adobe for this short one mile, easy hike.

Sharon found a great shady spot to enjoy
The Pond
Granite Lake

The trek has a pretty easy climb and goes over some boulders, past a dry meadow, a pond, and a shady forest.  It was a great spot to sit in the shade and enjoy the beauty of the lake.  It was also small enough to explore around the shoreline and take in the different perspectives.  And so we did…and together we found a place of beauty and contentment.



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At the time, it was important to have this experience, as I was stressing about getting back to work and all of the busyness that lie ahead.  Somehow, getting out to places like this makes time stand still and erases the many thoughts that run through my mind.  It is truly a place where there is no negativity, and is literally, a breath of fresh air.



As this year comes to an end, I think of time and how there is so little of it.  I remember being a little scared of growing up when I was in my teens.  When I got to my 20’s, I felt a lot of confusion about who I was and what it meant to be an adult.  Then I turned 30, and understood that my youth was quickly getting behind me.   As I headed into my 40’s, I felt more comfortable with life and who I was, and thought, “wow, time sure does fly”.  And now in my early 50’s, I think, “how the heck did I get here so fast?”.  As I ponder the future, I’m interested as to what my perspectives will be as I head into my 60’s and older.  What I do know, is that time provides us with so many opportunities not to squander;  and that it is precious, like the pearl in a shell…


“But now I’m grown and I speak like a woman and I see with a woman’s eyes;  and an open door is to me now like the saddest of goodbyes;  it’s too late for turning back, I pray for the heart and the nerve…”  Mary Chapin Carpenter (The Moon and St. Christopher)



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